1 x 8 + 1 = 9
12 x 8 + 2 = 98
123 x 8 + 3 = 987
1234 x 8 + 4 = 9876
12345 x 8 + 5 = 98765
123456 x 8 + 6 = 987654
1234567 x 8 + 7 = 9876543
12345678 x 8 + 8 = 98765432
123456789 x 8 + 9 = 987654321
1 x 9 + 2 = 11
12 x 9 + 3 = 111
123 x 9 + 4 = 1111
1234 x 9 + 5 = 11111
12345 x 9 + 6 = 111111
123456 x 9 + 7 = 1111111
1234567 x 9 + 8 = 11111111
12345678 x 9 + 9 = 111111111
123456789 x 9 + 10 = 1111111111
9 x 9 + 7 = 88
98 x 9 + 6 = 888
987 x 9 + 5 = 8888
9876 x 9 + 4 = 88888
98765 x 9 + 3 = 888888
987654x 9 + 2 = 8888888
9876543 x 9 + 1 = 88888888
98765432 x 9 + 0 = 888888888
Coba lihat simetri ini :
1 x 1 = 1
11 x 11 = 121
111 x 111 = 12321
1111 x 1111 = 1234321
11111 x 11111 = 123454321
111111 x 111111 = 12345654321
1111111 x 1111111 = 1234567654321
11111111 x 11111111 = 123456787654321
111111111 x 111111111 = 12345678987654321
masih kurang hebat tha??
Sekarang lihat ini :
Jika 101% dilihat dari sudut pandangan Matematika, apakah ia sama dengan 100%, atau ia LEBIH dari 100%?
Kita selalu mendengar orang berkata dia bisa memberi lebih dari 100%,
atau kita selalu dalam situasi dimana seseorang ingin kita memberi 100%
Bagaimana bila ingin mencapai 101%?
Apakah nilai 100% dalam hidup?
Mungkin sedikit formula matematika dibawah ini dapat membantu memberi
Jika ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Disamakan sebagai 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Maka nilai dari kata-kata berikut adalah :
11 + 5 + 18 + 10 + 1 + 11 + 5 + 18 + 19 + 1 = 99%
8 + 1 + 18 + 4 + 23 + !5 + 18 + 11 = 99%
11 + 14 + 15 + 23 + 12 + 5 + 4 + 7 + 5 = 96%
1 + 20 + 20 + 9 + 20 + 21 + 4 + 5 = 100%
Sikap diri atau ATTITUDE adalah perkara utama untuk mencapai 100% dalam hidup kita..
Jika kita kerja keras sekalipun tapi tidak ada ATTITUDE yang positif didalam diri, kita masih belum mencapai 100%. Tapi,,
12 + 15 + 22 + 5 + 15 + 6 + 7 + 15 + 4 = 101%
19 + 1 + 25 + 1 + 14 + 7 + 1 + 12 + 12 + 1 + 8 = 101%
Jadi, saudara saudara..
Love God first! so He will show you the Miracle
Tuesday, 13 August 2013
How to Improve
Your Conversation Skills
Do you like to meet new people?
Do you like to talk, or are you shy?
Whatever your answer, this guide can help you improve your conversation skills
Have some topics ready to
start a conversation. Say something about the weather or the place you’re
in. Talk about the weekend – we all have something to say about weekend!!
Make the conversation interesting. Know
about events in the news. Read restaurant and movie reviews.
Find out about the current music scene or what’s new in
fashion or sports.
a good listener. Keep eye contact and say, “Yes”, “Hmmm”, Uh-huh”, Right”,
and “I know”.
And say, “Really? That’s interesting.” It’s encourages
people to talk.
Don’t be
boring. Don’t just say, “Yes” or “No”, when you answer a question.
Give some interesting information too.
talk all the time. Ask,”How about you?” and show you are interested in
the other person too.
People love to talk about themselves!!
Ask information question. Ask question
like “What kind of food do you like?” Use follow-up question to keep the
conversation going.
But don’t ask too many question-it not an interrogation
Be positive. Negative comments can
sound rude.
And if you don’t want to answer a personal question, simply say, “Oh,
I’m not sure I can answer that”, or “I’d rather not say”.
Everyone loves a smile. Just be relaxed, smile, and be you self!!!
Friday, 2 August 2013
Almighty God~
More about Jesus, i would know
More of His grace to others show!
More of His saving fullness see
More of His love who died for me.
More, more, about Jesus!!
More of His saving fullness see
More of His love who died for me
Yes My Lord is wonderful
Isn't Jesus my Lord wonderful?
Eyes have seen,
ears have heard,
It's recorded in God's word
Isn't Jesus my Lord wonderful?
The Lord is my Shepherd,
I'll walk with Him always.
He leads by still watres.
I'll walk with Him.
God is in the place,
His Spirit speaks to you and me.
Let us praise His name, rev'rently
There are hundreds of sparrows..
thousand, millions..
They are two penny-manny manny must be
But God knows everyone and
God knows me :)
Jesus keep His promises!
promises for you and me.
More of His grace to others show!
More of His saving fullness see
More of His love who died for me.
More, more, about Jesus!!
More of His saving fullness see
More of His love who died for me
Yes My Lord is wonderful
Isn't Jesus my Lord wonderful?
Eyes have seen,
ears have heard,
It's recorded in God's word
Isn't Jesus my Lord wonderful?
The Lord is my Shepherd,
I'll walk with Him always.
He leads by still watres.
I'll walk with Him.
God is in the place,
His Spirit speaks to you and me.
Let us praise His name, rev'rently
There are hundreds of sparrows..
thousand, millions..
They are two penny-manny manny must be
But God knows everyone and
God knows me :)
Jesus keep His promises!
promises for you and me.
In His time,
In His time,
He makes all things beautiful in His time,
Lord please show me every day,
as You're teaching me your way,
that You do just what you say,
In Your time
In Your time,
In Your time,
You makes all things beautiful
In Your time.
Lord,my life to You i bring,
may each song I have to sing be to You a lovely sing,
In Your time.
Wednesday, 31 July 2013
pernah dengar ga quotes gini:
"If you love someone pray about it.
If it's meant to be God will lead them.
He will never lead them down the wrong path."
dan gue pernah, bukan cuman pernah..
sering..berdoa buat orang2 yg gue sayang..
buat mama-papa, abang-kakak-adik gue..
soib2 gue yg ngeselin tapi ngangeniin,
dan terutama, buat org yg dalam hati gue kagumi..
tapi entah kenapa..
gue ngerasa doanya ga ke jawab semua..
iya sih, keluarga gue ga ada juga yg jalannya gelap2 atau
jalan di jalan yg aneh2..
temen2 gue pada baik kok..
jail sih ada.. tapi ga brandal
tapi, ada satu temen gue nih...
seriingg bgt gue doain...
apa yg gue doain?
gue doain supaya dia ga dijalan yg aneh2
tapi dia sudah disana..
lalu,gue berdoa, supaya dia keluar dari situ..
tapi, sepertinya sampai skrg dia belum juga keluar..
emangsih, gue tauu.
jawaban doa itu ada 3,
dan gue gatau..
jawabannya apaa unutk yg satu ini.
udah lumayan lama gue doain dia.
tapi dia ga berubah tuh..
tapi kita sebagai manusia ga boleh nyalahin Tuhan kan?
mungkin emg dianya juga ga ada niat kali ya buat kembali gitu..
gue disini berharap aja..
semoga dia ga makin aneh2..
semoga dia bisa kembali..
"there's can be miracle, when you believe"
and i believe!!
munkin jawabannya tunggu kali yaaa..
dan saya menunggu :")
"If you love someone pray about it.
If it's meant to be God will lead them.
He will never lead them down the wrong path."
dan gue pernah, bukan cuman pernah..
sering..berdoa buat orang2 yg gue sayang..
buat mama-papa, abang-kakak-adik gue..
soib2 gue yg ngeselin tapi ngangeniin,
dan terutama, buat org yg dalam hati gue kagumi..
tapi entah kenapa..
gue ngerasa doanya ga ke jawab semua..
iya sih, keluarga gue ga ada juga yg jalannya gelap2 atau
jalan di jalan yg aneh2..
temen2 gue pada baik kok..
jail sih ada.. tapi ga brandal
tapi, ada satu temen gue nih...
seriingg bgt gue doain...
apa yg gue doain?
gue doain supaya dia ga dijalan yg aneh2
tapi dia sudah disana..
lalu,gue berdoa, supaya dia keluar dari situ..
tapi, sepertinya sampai skrg dia belum juga keluar..
emangsih, gue tauu.
jawaban doa itu ada 3,
dan gue gatau..
jawabannya apaa unutk yg satu ini.
udah lumayan lama gue doain dia.
tapi dia ga berubah tuh..
tapi kita sebagai manusia ga boleh nyalahin Tuhan kan?
mungkin emg dianya juga ga ada niat kali ya buat kembali gitu..
gue disini berharap aja..
semoga dia ga makin aneh2..
semoga dia bisa kembali..
"there's can be miracle, when you believe"
and i believe!!
munkin jawabannya tunggu kali yaaa..
dan saya menunggu :")
Tuesday, 30 July 2013
1 year ago
well, skrg gue pengen cerita dulu.. tenteng satu tahun yang lalu.
pas gue baru-baru jadi anak SMA.
Nah, pas pertama kali tau gue masuk SMA Negri 1 Batam,
perasaan gue? SENENG..banget.
ya iyalah, salah satu sekolah favorite di Batam.
ya tapi sebenernya rada sedih, karna gue harus nyari temen baru.
secara dari sekolah gue yg daftar kesitu cuman 4 org, dan kami berempat masuk situ.
pas hari sabtu, pra-mos.. waktu itu kami di bagi gugus yg nantinya bakalan jadi temen kelas kami.
pertama, temen gue, Yeni udah di sebutin namanya,dia kelas XD.
kedua dan ketiga, Icha dan Nico namanya disebutin, mereka berdua kelas XC.
dan pas nama gue ga disebutin juga sampe kelas XF, sumpah gue sedihh!
gue masuk kelas terkhir, XG.
perasaan gue? keseelll.
is kok bisaaa??
serasa kelas buangan-sebenarnya ga buangan juga sih-
terus kami di suruh masuk kekelas gitu.
nah disini, gue confuse be-ge-te.
Gue duduk sama siapaaaa?
Gue boleh duduk di situ ga ya?
Gue duduk dimanaaa?
somebody help.
at last,
gue ambil kursi paling belakang, paling pojok, paling jauh dari pintu.
habis ga mungkin gue ambil paling depan, ga banget.
yg tengah udah pada di huni.
fix gue ngerasa jadi anak cupu.
terus datang deh cewe, dia belum dapet tempat duduk, jadi kami duduk berdua..
dia chairmate pertama gue, Keren.
setelah tau nama gugus kami, Bagong, dalam hati gue berpikir,
nah, jadi katanya ambil tema "Perwayangan".
okay lah, setidaknya gue punya temen sebangku.
menurut gue panitia MOS nya kreatif..
kenapa,habis nama yg di kasih unik unik,
jadi kami tuh harus bawa bekal, dan bekalnya di tentuin.
tapi mereka kasih kode gitu -gue suka bgt mecahin kode, biar serasa detektif kaya conan getoo:p-
lumayan seneng deh pokoknya pas Mos.
tapi, gue belum kenal semua anak kelas. cuman diiikkkiiiittt bgt yg gue tau.
nah kelas kami, dapat predikat.. "kelas ter-heboh"
habis nya temen2 gue yg cowo, pantang kenal malu.
yel-yel kelas kami, menurut gue kocak-walau gue ga hafal-
nyanyian kami pas nyambut kakak kelas juga kocak, gue hapal mati xD
"kakak cantik, abang ganteng,
kami dari bagong.
selamat datang kekelas kami ini,
semoga semuanya Happy"-
terus kami kricing2 gitu.
yg bikin kocak itu gerakannya..
hehehe, tidak terlupakan deh~
Setelah selesai MOS,
kami ada acara budi pekerti.
ya disitu gue lebih mengenal tementemen gue yg seagama sama gue, Kristen.
laluuu, setelah liburan dan segala macam,
kami ada acara,seperti seminar gitu..
Motivasi buat kami gitulah.
diadakan di hotel di daerah Nagoya-ini bukan Nagoya yg di Jepang-
jadi, gue nebeng sama temen gue yg bawa motor, Sandra.
setelah melewati jurang dan lembah,
melintasi genangan air hujan dan halilintar~eaaakkk
pergilah kami.
nah setelah selesai seminar, kami lunch dulu. jadi, gue gabungnya bukan ke anak kelas gue, tapi ke anak kelas si Icha.
terus selesai makan, kami mau jalan dulu..
nah kami ke lantai yg sepiii bgt.
buset, kami takut, sepi bener,
yg ada pun barang2 yg gak gue tau namanya.
terus kami cepet2 pencet tombol lift..
nah setelah acara nya selesai..
gue mencari Sandra..
tapi gue tersesat di antara luapan anak angkatan gue yg lagi jalan keluar.. gue masuk kedalam.. jadi gue lawan arus.
terus tiba2 ada suara cowo yg denger..
ngomong ke gue.
"eh, nama kamu etrisakan?"
dia ngejulurin tangannya.
gue masih kek org bego..
dieem aja. kenapa?
ya siapa yg ngeh gitu kan.
gue lagi pusing nyariin temen gue, yg hidup dan mati gue sama dia, eh tiba2 aa yg ngajakin kenalan..
okee teruss.. at last gue bilang, "haaa? eh iya." tapi ga julurin tangan.
masih bengong, mikirin sandra.
terus, tiba2 beliau triak ke arah lain.
"eh ini ya yg ko suka?"
sriusan aja.. siapa yg ga kaget di triakin gitu.
karna ga mau berlama2 dan ga jelas..
gue kabur aja. pergi ke pintu utama.
nungguin sandra di situ.
ternyata beliau lewat dan sandra blm datang, yowess.. gue cau ke tempat parkiran.
untung aja gue sempet ngeliat sandra dan triak2 dan melambai2 kek orang gila.
terus kami ngeluarin motor dan pulang.
setelah beberapa hari kemudian..
gue baru tau.. ternyata beliau teman kelas gue, tapi ga tau temen beliau itu siapa..
tapi gue punya perkiraan, tapi cukup gue dan Tuhan saja lah yang tau..
tapi beliau ini biasa aja gitu.
ga inget kejadian yg kmaren2 itu,
padahal gue mati penasaran siapa yg dia maksud,
dan karena gue cewe*dan gue benci hal ini* ga mungkin gue nanya,
bisa2 gue di bilang sok ke pd an gitu kan.
jadi, gue milih diam saja.. "Silent is gold", menurut gue begitulah.
tapi dalem hati taulah gimana...
si beliau ini pny chairmate, yg menurut gue berbakat, tapi ngeselin banggeeett!
ah ngeselin klimaks.
kadang gue berpikir.. salah gue sama itu orang apaa? kenapa dia jail bgt? dan ga tanggung2 mukulin jidat yg mulus ini..
salah gitu kalau jidat sedikit lebar? toh ga selebar landasan di bandara juga-_-
belum lagi ejekkan2 yg lain.
buset, gue ngerasa ngalamin neraka sendiri.
kadang tuh gue ngomong, dia sewot sendiri. gajelas bgt kan?
kadang gue ngerjain tugas.. dateng dateng aja gangguin.
gimana ya? risih lah pokoknya..
eh tau tau chairmate bilang...
"eh ris, ko suka ya sama dia?"
dalem hati.. jangan sampaii.
"is gamungkin ga punya feel ke dia.. jgn bohong ris"
"feel ke dia? adalah. illfeel mah iya."
"ntar pasti kangen sama masa2 dia ngejailin"
gue orgnya realistis dan logis.. ga naif.
menrut gue perkataan dia itu ada benernya juga..
kita itu bisa kangen pas sesuatu itu ga ada kan?
jadi gue bilang deh,
"yaudah.. jadi kenangan selama kelas X deh"
ya dan berlanjut lah gosip ria kami lewat kertas.
kenapa kami ga ngmng lgsg?
simple, depan gue soibnya.
jadi ya gitulah.. kembali ke jaman SD, surat-menyurat.
dan suratnya masih tersimpan rapi :D
gue sebel sama teman gue yg bilangin kami sempet dekat,
bukannya apa2..
jangankan dekat, ngomongan sama dia aja serasa urat gue mau putus semua.
bawaannya emosi terus.. bukan karna pms tiap hari.
jadi jangan salahin gue atas semua2 deh.
sampe temen2 gue pada bilang..
riss, napasih gapeka banget?
actually gue peka banget, makanya gue pura2 ga peka
agak sulit dimengerti, tapi coba renungi pasti ngerti.
ya karna gue ga suka gitu..
kalau ya ga suka, mau gmn?
tapi gue percaya kok, dia juga ga suka gue.
temen2 kelas aja tuh yg mungkin terlalu nanggepin.
well, udah ah capek ngetik.
sekian dulu yaaw blogg~
see ya next
Thursday, 25 July 2013
Total Eclipse Of The Heart
"Total Eclipse Of The Heart"
Turn around,
Every now and then I get a little bit lonely
and you never come around.
Turn around,
Every now and then I get a little bit tired
of listening to the sound of my tears
Turn around,
Every now and then I get a little bit lonely
and you never come around.
Turn around,
Every now and then I get a little bit tired
of listening to the sound of my tears
Turn around,
Every now and then I get a little bit nervous
that the best of all the years have gone by.
Turn around,
Every now and then I get a little bit terrified
and then I see the look in your eyes.
Turn around, bright eyes
Every now and then I fall apart
Turn around, bright eyes
Every now and then I fall apart
Turn around,
Every now and then I get a little bit restless
and I dream of something wild
Turn around,
Every now and then I get a little bit helpless
and I´m lying like a child in your arms.
Turn around,
Every now and then I get a little bit angry
and I know I´ve got to get out and cry.
Turn around,
Every now and then I get a little bit terrified
but then I see the look in your eyes.
Turn around, bright eyes
Every now and then I fall apart.
Turn around, bright eyes
Every now and then I fall apart.
that the best of all the years have gone by.
Turn around,
Every now and then I get a little bit terrified
and then I see the look in your eyes.
Turn around, bright eyes
Every now and then I fall apart
Turn around, bright eyes
Every now and then I fall apart
Turn around,
Every now and then I get a little bit restless
and I dream of something wild
Turn around,
Every now and then I get a little bit helpless
and I´m lying like a child in your arms.
Turn around,
Every now and then I get a little bit angry
and I know I´ve got to get out and cry.
Turn around,
Every now and then I get a little bit terrified
but then I see the look in your eyes.
Turn around, bright eyes
Every now and then I fall apart.
Turn around, bright eyes
Every now and then I fall apart.
And I need you now tonight
and I need you more than ever
and if you only hold me tight
and if you only hold me tight
we´ll be holding on forever.
And we´ll only be making it right
And we´ll only be making it right
´cause we´ll never be wrong
together we can take it to the end of the line
Your love is like a shadow on me all of the time
I don´t know what to do and I´m always in the dark
We´re living in a powder keg and giving off sparks
I really need you tonight,
together we can take it to the end of the line
Your love is like a shadow on me all of the time
I don´t know what to do and I´m always in the dark
We´re living in a powder keg and giving off sparks
I really need you tonight,
forever´s gonna start tonight
forever´s gonna start tonight
Once upon a time I was falling in love
forever´s gonna start tonight
Once upon a time I was falling in love
but now I´m only falling apart
There´s nothing I can do,
There´s nothing I can do,
a total eclipse of the heart
Once upon a time there was light in my life
Once upon a time there was light in my life
but now there´s only love in the
There´s nothing I can say,
There´s nothing I can say,
a total eclipse of the heart
Turn around, bright eyes
Turn around, bright eyes
Turn around,
Every now and then I know you´ll never be the boy you always
wanted to be.
Turn around,
But every now and then I know you´ll always be the only boy
that wanted me the way that I am
Turn around,
Every now and then I know there´s no one in the universe as
magical and wondrous as you
Turn around,
Every now and then I know there´s nothing any better
there´s nothing that I just wouldn´t do.
Turn around, bright eyes
Every now and then I fall apart
Turn around, bright eyes
Every now and then I fall apart
And I need you now tonight, forever´s gonna start tonight
forever´s gonna start tonight
Once upon a time I was falling in love
Turn around, bright eyes
Turn around, bright eyes
Turn around,
Every now and then I know you´ll never be the boy you always
wanted to be.
Turn around,
But every now and then I know you´ll always be the only boy
that wanted me the way that I am
Turn around,
Every now and then I know there´s no one in the universe as
magical and wondrous as you
Turn around,
Every now and then I know there´s nothing any better
there´s nothing that I just wouldn´t do.
Turn around, bright eyes
Every now and then I fall apart
Turn around, bright eyes
Every now and then I fall apart
And I need you now tonight, forever´s gonna start tonight
forever´s gonna start tonight
Once upon a time I was falling in love
but now I´m only falling apart
There´s nothing I can do,
There´s nothing I can do,
a total eclipse of the heart
A total eclipse of the heart,
A total eclipse of the heart,
a total eclipse of the heart
Turn around bright eyes
Turn around bright eyes,
Turn around bright eyes
Turn around bright eyes,
Turn around
i like this song too much.
maybe because these lyric.
ecspecially :
"Once upon a time there was light in my life
but now there´s only love in the
There´s nothing I can say,
There´s nothing I can say,
a total eclipse of the heart"
remind me of someone..
hope you like this song too :)) {}
Sunday, 21 July 2013
Give your heart a break
the day I first met you
You told me you'd never fall in love
But now that I get you
I know fear is what it really was
Now here we are, so close
Yet so far, haven't I passed the test?
When will you realize
Baby, I'm not like the rest
Don't wanna break your heart
I wanna give your heart a break
I know you're scared it's wrong
Like you might make a mistake
There's just one life to live
And there's no time to wait, to waste
So let me give your heart a break
Give your heart a break
Let me give your heart a break
Your heart a break Oh, yeah yeah
On Sunday, you went home alone
There were tears in your eyes
I called your cell phone, my love
But you did not reply
The world is ours, if you want it
We can take it, if you just take my hand
There's no turning back now
Baby, try to understand
Don't wanna break your heart
Wanna give your heart a break
I know you're scared it's wrong
Like you might make a mistake
There's just one life to live
And there's no time to wait, to waste
So let me give your heart a break Give your heart a break
Let me give your heart a break
Your heart a break
There's just so much you can take
Give your heart a break
Let me give your heart a break
Your heart a break
Oh, yeah yeah
When your lips are on my lips
And our hearts beat as one
But you slip right out of my fingertips
Every time you run, whoa
Don't wanna break your heart
Wanna give your heart a break
I know you're scared it's wrong
Like you might make a mistake
There's just one life to live
And there's no time to wait, to waste
So let me give your heart a break
Cuz you've been hurt before I can see it in your eyes
You try to smile it away
Some things, you can't disguise
Don't wanna break your heart Baby,
I can ease the ache, the ache
So, let me give your heart a break
Give your heart a break
Let me give your heart a break
Your heart a break
There's just so much you can take
Give your heart a break
Let me give your heart a break
Your heart a break
Oh yeah,yeah
The day I first met you You told me you'd never fall in love
Demi Lovato
You told me you'd never fall in love
But now that I get you
I know fear is what it really was
Now here we are, so close
Yet so far, haven't I passed the test?
When will you realize
Baby, I'm not like the rest
Don't wanna break your heart
I wanna give your heart a break
I know you're scared it's wrong
Like you might make a mistake
There's just one life to live
And there's no time to wait, to waste
So let me give your heart a break
Give your heart a break
Let me give your heart a break
Your heart a break Oh, yeah yeah
On Sunday, you went home alone
There were tears in your eyes
I called your cell phone, my love
But you did not reply
The world is ours, if you want it
We can take it, if you just take my hand
There's no turning back now
Baby, try to understand
Don't wanna break your heart
Wanna give your heart a break
I know you're scared it's wrong
Like you might make a mistake
There's just one life to live
And there's no time to wait, to waste
So let me give your heart a break Give your heart a break
Let me give your heart a break
Your heart a break
There's just so much you can take
Give your heart a break
Let me give your heart a break
Your heart a break
Oh, yeah yeah
When your lips are on my lips
And our hearts beat as one
But you slip right out of my fingertips
Every time you run, whoa
Don't wanna break your heart
Wanna give your heart a break
I know you're scared it's wrong
Like you might make a mistake
There's just one life to live
And there's no time to wait, to waste
So let me give your heart a break
Cuz you've been hurt before I can see it in your eyes
You try to smile it away
Some things, you can't disguise
Don't wanna break your heart Baby,
I can ease the ache, the ache
So, let me give your heart a break
Give your heart a break
Let me give your heart a break
Your heart a break
There's just so much you can take
Give your heart a break
Let me give your heart a break
Your heart a break
Oh yeah,yeah
The day I first met you You told me you'd never fall in love
Demi Lovato
Talking to the Moon
Talking To The Moon
Somewhere far away
I want you back
I want you back
My neighbors think
I'm crazy
But they don't understand
You're all I have
You're all I have
At night when the stars
light up my room
I sit by myself
Talking to the Moon
Try to get to You
In hopes you're on
the other side
Talking to me too
Or am I a fool
who sits alone
Talking to the moon
I'm feeling like I'm famous
The talk of the town
They say
I've gone mad
I've gone mad
But they don't know
what I know
Cause when the
sun goes down
someone's talking back
They're talking back
At night when the stars
light up my room
I sit by myself
Talking to the Moon
Try to get to You
In hopes you're on
the other side
Talking to me too
Or am I a fool
who sits alone
Talking to the moon
Ahh Ahh,
Ahh Ahh,
Do you ever hear me calling?
Cause every night
I'm talking to the moon
Still trying to get to you
In hopes you're on
the other side
Talking to me too
Or am I a fool
who sits alone
Talking to the moon
I know you're somewhere out there
Somewhere far away
Bruno Mars~
Saturday, 8 June 2013
Pray for
dear blog..
duhh.. sebellah.
kan ceritanya aku udah naik kelas nih,
ke kelas 2 SMA.
yang seharusnya kami udah di bagiin jurusan pas ambil rapor kemarin-hasil rapor lumayan memuaskan, walau kimia turun u,u-
tapi sampai sekarang, kami seangkatan di gantungi :3
karena belum dikasih tau kepastiannya -kecuali anak yg fix mau IPS-
dan katanya dikasih tau setelah kami masuk nanti..
gila sedih.
galau sebenernya.
jadi gabisa belajar persiapan kelas 2 selama liburan panjang ini.
kepengennya sih IPA.
Kayanya keren gitu kalau masuk situ,
habis suka baca buku,
dan biasanya "kutu buku" itu identik dgn anak IPA.
tapi kalau dipikir2 jurusan yg mauku ambil kuliah nanti IPS.
pengennya jadi duta besar gitu,
kan keren tuh, kita kerja sebagai org Indonesia tapi di negara lain.
dan ngebantuin orang2 Indonesia disana -seperti malaikat saja o:)-
tapi mamaku pgnnya jadi dokter atau semacamnya.
tapi gamau... terlalu berat tanggungannya.
nyawa manusia coy!
kalau ga jadi akutansi.
dan entah kenapa, aku rada tertarik sih sama akutansi, tapi yagitulah.
lebih pgn jadi duta besar.
inilah susahnya kalau berbeda pendapat sama org tua.
kemarin dari sekolah sempet tes psikolog gitu.
yahasilnya lumayan lah.
IQ ku cuman 109-_-
tapi ya cukuplah..
tapi katanya itu belum akurat.
karna pas tes itu, kondisi kami ga siap~
laper..kepanasan..muka yg ngawas seram.. grogi.. semuadeh.
dan hasilnya...
minat dan bakatku:
1. literaty
2. Personal Contact
3. Computational
yang artinya..
1. yg berhubungan dengan buku,membaca dan mengarang
2. yg berhubungan dgn kontak dgn manusia
3.yg berhubungan dengan angka-angka.
dan kalau disesuaikan dgn jurusan..
1. Bahasa
2. IPS
3. IPA
dan dibuat sesuai utk program bid studi IPA.
sebenernya fine fine aja sih masuk IPS.
enak lagi, belajarnya ga diporsir, tapi berhubung aku masih bimbang mau ambil kuliah apa, jadi mending ke IPA toh?
biar ga ribet gitu.
tapi ga tau ah..
biar Tuhan yg nentukan.
mending jadi anak IPS kan dari pada IPA jadijadian?
but i believe..
God has made the plan.
and i know, He makes all things beautifull in HIS time:)
Pray for the best one ;))
duhh.. sebellah.
kan ceritanya aku udah naik kelas nih,
ke kelas 2 SMA.
yang seharusnya kami udah di bagiin jurusan pas ambil rapor kemarin-hasil rapor lumayan memuaskan, walau kimia turun u,u-
tapi sampai sekarang, kami seangkatan di gantungi :3
karena belum dikasih tau kepastiannya -kecuali anak yg fix mau IPS-
dan katanya dikasih tau setelah kami masuk nanti..
gila sedih.
galau sebenernya.
jadi gabisa belajar persiapan kelas 2 selama liburan panjang ini.
kepengennya sih IPA.
Kayanya keren gitu kalau masuk situ,
habis suka baca buku,
dan biasanya "kutu buku" itu identik dgn anak IPA.
tapi kalau dipikir2 jurusan yg mauku ambil kuliah nanti IPS.
pengennya jadi duta besar gitu,
kan keren tuh, kita kerja sebagai org Indonesia tapi di negara lain.
dan ngebantuin orang2 Indonesia disana -seperti malaikat saja o:)-
tapi mamaku pgnnya jadi dokter atau semacamnya.
tapi gamau... terlalu berat tanggungannya.
nyawa manusia coy!
kalau ga jadi akutansi.
dan entah kenapa, aku rada tertarik sih sama akutansi, tapi yagitulah.
lebih pgn jadi duta besar.
inilah susahnya kalau berbeda pendapat sama org tua.
kemarin dari sekolah sempet tes psikolog gitu.
yahasilnya lumayan lah.
IQ ku cuman 109-_-
tapi ya cukuplah..
tapi katanya itu belum akurat.
karna pas tes itu, kondisi kami ga siap~
laper..kepanasan..muka yg ngawas seram.. grogi.. semuadeh.
dan hasilnya...
minat dan bakatku:
1. literaty
2. Personal Contact
3. Computational
yang artinya..
1. yg berhubungan dengan buku,membaca dan mengarang
2. yg berhubungan dgn kontak dgn manusia
3.yg berhubungan dengan angka-angka.
dan kalau disesuaikan dgn jurusan..
1. Bahasa
2. IPS
3. IPA
dan dibuat sesuai utk program bid studi IPA.
sebenernya fine fine aja sih masuk IPS.
enak lagi, belajarnya ga diporsir, tapi berhubung aku masih bimbang mau ambil kuliah apa, jadi mending ke IPA toh?
biar ga ribet gitu.
tapi ga tau ah..
biar Tuhan yg nentukan.
mending jadi anak IPS kan dari pada IPA jadijadian?
but i believe..
God has made the plan.
and i know, He makes all things beautifull in HIS time:)
Pray for the best one ;))
Sunday, 19 May 2013
Tiga pohon dan sebuah ranting
Tentang tiga pohon yang meminta perhatian
Dan tentang sebuah ranting yang diberi perhatian
Pohon pertama, yang sempat ku beri perhatian
Maafkan aku yang lamban
Lamban mencerna segala perasaan
Aku sempat memberikan
Namun aku telambat merasakan
Dan sekarang saat kamu memiliki yang lain
Aku berusaha melupakan
Aku merasa tertekan
Ketika aku yang dipersalahkan
Meski kau dirawat yang lain
Aku hanya ingin menjadi teman
Mohon, jangan buatku heran
Akan tingkahmu yang sungkan
Pohon yang kedua, yang awalnya sempatku puji
Akan segala keindahan yang kau miliki
Namun ketika kenyataan yang akan terjadi
Terusik pula hati
Aku marah terhadap para dewi
Karna kau tak seperti yang ku nanti
Dan aku membenci
Maafkan aku yang tak sanggup memberi
Aku hanya merasa terbohongi
Pohon yang ketiga, yang datang dengan keberaniannya
Aku hampir memberi rasa
Namun tidak sebelum para burung melanda
Dan aku pun menjauh selangkah saja
Kini kau datangi sang pelana
Jujur, aku tidak cemburu buta
Aku hanya bertanya
Kenapa harus dia?
Seperti membuatku menjadi rival sejatinya
Pohon yang pertama dan kedua sempat ia singgah
Mohon, jangan dia
Maafkan aku yang membuat kecewa
Aku merasa tak yakin tuk memberi rasa
Ranting yang terasa tak terjangakau
Kamu yang memiliki paras yang cerah
Yang memiliki senyum yang rekah
Aku mendambamu
Namun aku bahkan tak pernah maju, walau hanya selangkah
Aku berharap, kamu tumbuh lebih kokoh
Hingga suatu saat aku dapat berteduh
Walau sekedar menjadi orang asing
Aku akan singgah
Mungkin Tuhan tak memberi izin
Dan sekian kisah yang teringat
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